BREATHE! – Intentional Breathing – Rhoads Life Coaching

Looking for the first step in reducing stress and anxiety? Take a deep breath… all the way in and all the way out (and then repeat!). The easiest and simplest step to beginning to slow down and be more intentional about choices and actions is to focus your attention on how you breathe. Create a habit of finding your breathing several times a day. Notice when you are only taking short deep breaths. Simply reminding yourself to slow down and take a couple intentional breaths will automatically begin to reset your brain and body to a lower level of stress, helping you think clearer. You are hard-wired with a system that allows you to ramp up or slow down. It is just a matter of remembering to take some intentional breaths. –



BREATHE! - Rhoads Life Coaching


finding meaning and purpose in daily life

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