Know Thyself – Rhoads Life Coaching

If you remember back to your high school literature class (or maybe a world history class) the Greek Oracle of Delphi’s mantra was to ‘Know Thyself’. In the same era , Socrates admonished his critics with the idea that “an unexamined life is a life not lived”.

So why do you care? – For some of us high school literature was a long time ago and something we only wanted to survive.

The only person you will encounter in EVERY SINGLE thought, conversation, conflict, celebration, failure, etc. is yourself. There is an inherent advantage in knowing yourself well as you engage the rest of the world. So have you taken the time to get to know yourself better?

What are your values?

Your priorities?

Do you know what are you most afraid?

How are you most conflicted?

When are you most joyful? What prevents that?

What is your most proud of?

Your biggest regret?

What is your purpose?

In taking time to ‘know thyself’ better you are able to see the assets and liabilities you bring to each conversation and task you face. You have been given a task to develop yourself. Knowing what you have and where you need to grow creates meaning and purpose in your daily life.

If you are struggling to figure out who you are and what you are about (or you know someone who is in this situation), have them give me a call or send an email. I would be happy to help them discover what makes them unique and how they fit into the world. –

Know Thyself - Rhoads Life Coaching Logo

finding meaning and purpose in daily life

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