Sometimes transitions can feel like re-entry of a spaceship back into the atmosphere! Having the right mindset (of not having complete control) and knowing what to expect helps to make the transition easier!
Whenever I watch a movie about space travel (pick your favorite – Star Trek, Star Wars, Apollo 13, The Right Stuff, etc.), I watch for the scene where a ship re-enters the atmosphere of a planet. There is always a lot of friction! The ride gets bumpy and things heat up A LOT! There are a lot of variables the astronauts can’t control. There are moments they lose communication. It looks stressful!
I imagine we can relate (somewhat) to these scenes as we make transitions back into our daily lives. Anytime I come back from vacation feels like a re-entry back into the atmosphere of work and being home. Starting a new job can be a bumpy ride.
I imagine we are all collectively going to go through a significant re-entry in the next few weeks. What do you have control over? Which things do you NOT have control over? The acceptance that transition will be bumpy and not completely under control allows us to relax a bit. Knowing that our lives might heat up and be stressful as we are out and about in the world again allows for us to keep breathing and not make things worse by trying to control what is beyond our control.
I hope your re-entry goes well! See you out and about! –

finding meaning and purpose in daily life