We took a break in Quebec City this week! While enjoying the history, sight seeing, and food, I was struck by the number of different scales of perception encountered in one place. By scale of perception I mean our human ability to see the bigger and smaller picture of how we fit into the story. Scales could be time, history, culture, economy, spirituality/religion, etc. There are a lot of different scales to measure and each has the ability to perceive micro to macro levels of significance.
It is possible to experience Quebec City on a historical scale. Millions of people visit each year to review the significance this location has played in Canadian, U.S., and world history. It is also possible to experience Quebec City on an economic scale, cultural scale, ecological scale, religious scale, and on and on. Even the poutine can fit onto a scale of simple, filling bar-food to an elegant, gourmet dish! What struck me in standing in front of the Chateau Frontenac, looking out over the St. Lawrence River, was how many different scales could be perceived at once.
So that got me to thinking, do you pay attention to the scales you live in and on? What scales of perception are around you? More importantly, are you paying attention to them? YOUR PERCEPTION OF SCALE MIGHT INFLUENCE YOUR DECISIONS! The Chateau Frontenac plays a role every day in representing Quebec City, but it has also played significant roles in much higher scales of world history. Your decisions on your scales are doing similar things. What scales are you measuring now in your choices? – www.rhoadscoaching.com

finding meaning and purpose in daily life