What Do You Believe? – Rhoads Life Coaching

What do you believe? I mean this is the broadest terms possible. Have you thought about it recently? What do you believe about how the world works? Are people inherently good or bad? Should we always be afraid? Is it safe to get your hopes up? Does the universe have a higher power that cares about you as an individual? Is there existence beyond this plain of living? Does the Golden Rule apply or is just for suckers?

Why does this matter (another belief system question!)?

I’ve talked about internal lenses before, but it turns out that your belief system is the biggest lens you have. It puts a tone or tinge or EVERYTHING you think and do and feel. It is almost impossible to remove. Thankfully our belief system works just like our bodies and minds – it can be developed! It is possible to have a grade school level belief system (what does that look like?). It is also possible to develop a graduate level philosophy about how the world works (what does THAT look like?)

But back to the “why does this matter?” question – It is important to be aware of your beliefs and it is critical to try and develop them. If you don’t, the world will decide for you. If you let the world dictate what you say and think and do you will default to the lowest common denominator and every aspect of your life will be impacted. The secret in all of this is that our belief system ends up being the mortar that holds the rest of our lives together. We cannot function without it. So it is important to develop your beliefs beyond their current state, just like you would going to the gym or learning a new skill.

So, how do you develop your beliefs? First, you have to observe and understand what they are. Where do they come from? Did you inherit them or pick them up off the street? Do they truly reflect who you are? Did you accept them without testing them? The next step is to test drive what you believe. This means learning about other belief systems to see how they are different. Why do you disagree with someone else’s beliefs? Does your disagreement match your own belief system? Finally, in order to grow you have to try something different. You will not develop by keeping things the same. This is the same as going to the gym. Any routine gets stale after a while.

Take some time and observe yourself. Where did you learn to act and think the way you do? What do your thoughts and actions say about how you believe the world works? Is that what you want? It is important to continue to develop your belief system as EVERYTHING you think feel and do is filtered though it! – www.rhoadscoaching.com


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finding meaning and purpose in daily life