I’m Sorry (Find a Substitute)

We use the phrase “I’m Sorry” so much it ends up becoming a throwaway phrase. Almost meaningless. How often do you say it in a week? Is the meaning you’re intending conveyed with how you use it? Do you use it so much that it has no meaning at all?

The root word of sorry is ‘sore’; to physically ache or hurt. We use it to convey sympathy with someone else’s misfortune, to express regret, or describe a poor or pitiful state of something.

Do you differentiate those four definitions? Does the line between them ever blur for you? Have you ever heard someone say it meaning one definition and someone else receive it using a different definition?

If we use this phrase too much, where has it lost meaning for you? Does a hollow, “I’m sorry for your loss” land flat? Do you apologize so often the expression of regret sounds more like something pitiful? Have you ever receive an insincere apology?

My request is to separate out the different uses of “I’m Sorry” into phrases that convey the meaning you intend. Try using “I’m sad to hear of our loss”, or “Our family wants to express our condolences.” Substitute “I apologize. How can I make this better?” What other phrases are more meaningful for you?

Try substituting the definition of how you are using “I’m Sorry” instead. I’m curious to hear if you notice a difference in how you are able to communicate with others. – www.rhoadscoaching.com

I'm sorry - Rhoads Life Coaching

finding meaning and purpose in daily life