The Befuddled Coachman Podcast – Internal Considering – S01 E29

Introspective Topics in Under Five Minutes!

Internal considering is a conversation we have in our heads that prevents us from resolving an external problem. What are the things you get most stuck in your head about?

Hosted by Rhoads Life Coaching

Internal Considering - The Befuddled Coachman

finding meaning and purpose in daily life

Internal Considering (or Getting Stuck in Your Head) – Rhoads Life Coaching

Internal Considering is the concept of spending time and energy in an internal conversation with yourself at the expense of being present in the external world.

We ALL fight internal considering and it appears in MANY shapes and forms.

Should I look for a new job?

Do I look ok in these clothes?

Are the kids safe at school?

If I have this tough conversation, will it backfire?

Should I ask her out?

The reality is that Internal Considering wastes a tremendous amount of time and energy as there is typically no resolution to the internal conversation. We stay stuck in that loop.

What topics do you spend time and energy obsessing about? What keeps you stuck in that loop? What is preventing you from moving forward toward a decision or resolution?

The solution to Internal Considering is External Considering. Who, what, and where are the people and things that can help you decide? Looking outward for a solution breaks the loop and helps move out of that internal block. –

Internal Considering - Rhoads Life Coaching Logo


finding meaning and purpose in daily life