No Free Rent (In Your Head)!

You have critical phrases that play in your head. Phrases that take your energy and time without providing value. It is time to evict those freeloaders. No free rent in your head!

I’ve posted before about the different internal conversations we have with ourselves. For some of us it is almost a continuously streaming conversation. I’ve also posted about “The Critic”, who is the internal voice that has nothing positive to say to you.

Some of the phrases we say to ourselves (“What were you thinking?” or “That wasn’t good enough!”) were inherited from others. Even though that person may not be standing next to us, we repeat their phrase to ourself.

At some level, then, that person occupies time, energy, and resources in our internal world. They become a freeloader that lives rent free in our internal world!

If that voice isn’t providing value, or is negative in terms of how you treat yourself, it is time for it to go! Just like a squatter or poor tenant, YOU are responsible for your own property. It is up to you to be your own landlord and evict these negative voices.

So which phrases and voices treat you the worst? Are you able to identify where you picked them up? What do you need to generate the power to evict that tenant from your internal world?-

no free rent - Rhoads Life Coaching

finding meaning and purpose in daily life