The Befuddled Coachman Podcast – Perfectionism – S02 E19

perfectionism - The Befuddled Coachman Podcast

Introspective Topics in Under Five Minutes!

Watch out! Aspiring to do better, to win, to succeed is a worthy endeavor. We want to challenge ourselves and grow. But wanting things to be perfect can be a trap!

Hosted by Rhoads Life Coaching

perfectionism - The Befuddled Coachman

finding meaning and purpose in daily life

Perfectionism – Rhoads Life Coaching

Watch out for perfectionism! Buying into the ideal of doing something perfectly can be a slippery slope. Aspiring to be better & succeed is a worthy goal & we want to be challenged & grow. But there is always room for improvement & sometimes needing things to be or go perfectly leads to a belief of ‘not good enough’ or even ‘not worth trying’. Self-observation can create an awareness of when the need to be perfect drains our energy & power. Stepping down from needing a perfect outcome creates power & a natural flexibility to living. Wanting things to be perfect can be a trap! –