Refer a Friend in October & Receive a FREE Coaching Session for Yourself

Refer A Friend

The word is out! Rhoads Life Coaching is making an impact! Tell your friends, family, and coworkers! For the month of October, if you refer someone to my practice, and they complete a paid coaching session, I will you give you a

         FREE 1-hour coaching session!

Rhoads Life CoachingWho you do know that is searching for meaning and purpose in the way they approach their daily living? Have them send an email to to schedule a free consultation!

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Refer a Friend in October & Receive a FREE Coaching Session for Yourself

Refer A Friend

Refer A Friend

The word is out!

Rhoads Life Coaching is making an impact!

Tell your friends, family, and coworkers!

For the month of October, if you refer someone to my practice, and they complete a paid coaching session, I will you give you a

         FREE 1-hour coaching session!

Rhoads Life CoachingWho you do know that is searching for meaning and purpose in the way they approach their daily living? Have them send an email to to schedule a free consultation!

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Finding meaning & purpose in daily life

Internal Lenses – Rhoads Life Coaching

What if there is a lens through which we filter our reality? How we perceive the world is filtered through our beliefs, our emotions, and our values. EVERYTHING we experience passes through this lens! Those internal lenses works just like a pair of sunglasses to change our experience, which is why we end up with so many different interpretations of the same events. Frequently that lens gets smudged and distorts our view of the world. Just like a pair of glasses it helps to notice that the perception is smudged and to clean the lens! Sometimes those lenses are no longer useful or need to be cleaned or replaced! How are you filtering the world? –

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finding meaning & purpose is daily life

Over-Extending Ourselves – Rhoads Life Coaching

Have you ever put yourself in a situation standing on a ladder or step-stool where over-extending your reach creates a tipping point? Where you have committed more of yourself than is safe? Suddenly the chore you are doing becomes much less important that the injury that could happen.

We are asked to give all of ourselves in what we do.

What happens when we give more?

What happens when I give 110% to my job or relationship (or anything else)? There is a tipping point where we over-extend ourselves and the consequences can be painful. Where are you over-extending in your life? What adjustments can you make to continue to grow and develop without tipping over? –


finding meaning and purpose in daily life