Creating An Intention – Rhoads Life Coaching, LLC

I have written in the past about setting intentions and how creating an intention allows us to choose who we are as beings instead of the limitations of what we do.

How is setting an intention different than setting a goal? Frequently our goals are short term projects that don’t really change who we are or how we engage the world. Creating an intention offers an opportunity for BEING someone different.

Every year I wrestle with whether to set a New Year’s Resolution. I never have much success with them. A few years ago I started setting a yearly intention of who I wanted to be in the coming year. These intentions are not set to be a box to check or a lofty vision, they are set to create room for me to grow as a person.

In the past I have set annual intentions around being more patient, being joyful, reducing negativity, or having more courage.

This year I my intention is to be more hopeful.

How will it go? Check back in a year and find out!

What if creating an intention was more useful to you in the coming year than a resolution or goal? What intention would you create? Who do you want to be in the coming year? What is your intent? –

Creating An Intention - Rhoads Life Coaching Logo

finding meaning and purpose in daily life