The Befuddled Coachman Podcast – Light Into The Darkness – S01 E42

Light Into The Darkness - The Befuddled Coachman Podcast

Introspective Topics in Under Five Minutes!

Our culture, whether we know it or not, spends an enormous amount to time and energy celebrating bringing light into the darkness. The hope brought by illumination fulfills something in us as human beings.

There are many layers to the depths of this image. As you celebrate the end of the year, what parts of you will benefit by being illuminated? How will you continue your growth and development as we pass the winter solstice and more light is brought to the darkness?

Hosted by Rhoads Life Coaching

Light Into The Darkness - The Befuddled Coachman

finding meaning and purpose in daily life

The Befuddled Coachman Podcast – Mechanicalness – S01 E41

Mechanicalness - The Befuddled Coachman Podcast

Introspective Topics in Under Five Minutes!

Because you are able to imagine a version of your future self, you are able to develop a relationship with that future being. If you were to meet, how would the two of you get along? Would you have any advice for each other?

Hosted by Rhoads Life Coaching

Mechanicalness - The Befuddled Coachman

finding meaning and purpose in daily life

The Befuddled Coachman Podcast – Your Future Self – S01 E40

Your Future Self - The Befuddled Coachman Podcast

Introspective Topics in Under Five Minutes!

Because you are able to imagine a version of your future self, you are able to develop a relationship with that future being. If you were to meet, how would the two of you get along? Would you have any advice for each other?

Hosted by Rhoads Life Coaching

Your Future Self - The Befuddled Coachman

finding meaning and purpose in daily life

The Befuddled Coachman Podcast – Multiplicity – S01 E39

Multiplicity - The Befuddled Coachman Podcast

Introspective Topics in Under Five Minutes!

We sometimes think of ourselves as one singular person when in fact our personality has many facets and dimensions each with their own needs and wants. We are a multiplicity. How do those facets conflict or complement each other in your life?

Hosted by Rhoads Life Coaching

Acedia - The Befuddled Coachman

finding meaning and purpose in daily life

The Befuddled Coachman Podcast – Your Favorite Movie – S01 E38

Psychological Mirrors - The Befuddled Coachman Podcast

Introspective Topics in Under Five Minutes!

Your favorite movie says a lot about who you are. It can be used as a mirror to learn more about yourself and to continue to develop who you are becoming.

Hosted by Rhoads Life Coaching

Acedia - The Befuddled Coachman

finding meaning and purpose in daily life

The Befuddled Coachman Podcast – Psychological Mirrors – S01 E37

Psychological Mirrors - The Befuddled Coachman Podcast

Introspective Topics in Under Five Minutes!

How we experience an event or an object is more about each of us as individuals than it is the event or object itself. Suddenly the world becomes a mirror that reflects back pieces of who we are.

Hosted by Rhoads Life Coaching

Acedia - The Befuddled Coachman

finding meaning and purpose in daily life

On Being More Specific

Whether in setting goals or communicating we often get ourselves into trouble by being vague. Where would being specific improve your daily life?

I have a friend who works in the IT department for a large bank. He takes service requests all day from employees with their computer problems. Almost every conversation starts with some version of, “My computer won’t work.” His job is to help each caller dig into the details of what “won’t work” means. It is an immeasurable help to him when the caller can give him specific details of what is happening. He is able to help them much faster and more accurately when they provide more information.

Where does this happen for you? All of us could use help in our communication. One way of improving communication is to be more specific in the words we use. “Please bring me that” is way less helpful than, “Please bring the red Philips screwdriver sitting on the front corner of my workbench in the basement.” See the difference?

What about goal setting or conflict resolution? It is easier to achieve goals when they are more specific. It is also easier to resolve problems when we are detailed in what the problem is.

Where are you lacking in being specific? What parts of your life would benefit from more details? My request is to practice for a week and see what happens when you add more intention into your text messages, emails, and phone conversations. I want to know if it improves your navigation through each day! –

Being Specific - Rhoads Life Coaching Logo

finding meaning and purpose in daily life

The Befuddled Coachman Podcast – Letting Go Of Old Data – S01 E36

Letting Go of Old Data - The Befuddled Coachman Podcast

Introspective Topics in Under Five Minutes!

Sometimes we have trouble growing or changing based on large pools of historical data. Sometimes in order to change letting go of old data sets helps to measure whether we are growing or not.

Hosted by Rhoads Life Coaching

Acedia - The Befuddled Coachman

finding meaning and purpose in daily life

The Befuddled Coachman Podcast – Internal Lenses – S01 E35

Internal Lenses - The Befuddled Coachman Podcast

Introspective Topics in Under Five Minutes!

What if there is a lens through which we filter our reality? Those internal lenses work just like a pair of sunglasses to change our experience. Sometimes those lenses are no longer useful or need to be cleaned or replaced! How are you filtering the world?

Hosted by Rhoads Life Coaching

Acedia - The Befuddled Coachman

finding meaning and purpose in daily life

The Befuddled Coachman Podcast – Acedia – S01 E34

Introspective Topics in Under Five Minutes!

The ancient Greeks had a term for the apathy of sustained isolation. Acedia is the sense of drifting into not caring. Knowing it is happening is the key to getting out.

Hosted by Rhoads Life Coaching

Acedia - The Befuddled Coachman

finding meaning and purpose in daily life