The Befuddled Coachman Podcast – Tell Me Something Good! – S02 E26

tell me something good - The Befuddled Coachman Podcast

Introspective Topics in Under Five Minutes!

We swim in a culture of negativity. Just like everything else, creating something different takes practice. Counteracting negativity starts with observing the positive aspects of life that are already there. Tell Me Something Good!

Hosted by Rhoads Life Coaching

tell me something good - The Befuddled Coachman

finding meaning and purpose in daily life

Tell Me Something Good! – Rhoads Life Coaching

I’ve written before of the need to reduce negativity. If there is ONE thing we can do to improve our lives it is to reduce the negative thoughts and words we use toward each other and ourselves. So how to do that? The simplest way to start is to practice seeing the good things that already exist around us. How? By making the request of “Tell Me Something Good!

The guidelines are simple, find one thing in the last seven days that is positive. It could be personal or professional. It could be a small thing or some significant event. But it has to be about you (no cheating and using your kids making dean’s list two semesters ago)! Once you have found something… Tell someone!

This can be used privately for journaling and documenting the good in our lives. It can be used as an ice-breaker or to set the tone for a meeting. I have used this tool in business meetings and small group work as a practice and it works! Once the group has been trained, they come to meetings prepared to share ideas. Suddenly there is something to celebrate at every meeting! By focusing for a few minutes each day on the positive things going on around us, the negativity gets pushed back!

If you really want to stretch people’s comfort zone you can take it the next level and play Rufus & Chaka Khan’s ‘Tell Me Something Good!’ as you share! I dare you not to laugh!

Having trouble finding one good thing to start? You aren’t alone. Just like every other skill or talent, creating something different takes practice. If you don’t use it, it will disappear into the background. Counteracting negativity starts with observing the positive aspects of life that are already there. Tell Me Something Good! –


Tell Me Something Good - Rhoads Life Coaching Logo


finding meaning and purpose in daily life