Congruence & Internal Alignment

What if you had the ability to be more confident and powerful in your decisions? How often in your day do you feel forced into choices that create a sense of internal conflict? When do your head, or your heart, or your gut not agree about specific topics? By becoming aware of these different internal centers, you can create the ability to align them into more powerful decisions. Ask yourself – “Why does my head have trouble deciding?” or “What does my heart need in this moment?” or “What do I need to be able to trust my gut?”

By having a sense of congruence, or internal alignment, in these centers we are able to make more confident, authentic choices.


Psychological Mirrors

Have you ever noticed how a group of people can go to a movie or a sporting event and each person can come away with a very different experience of the exact same event? Or how you can stand in front of a painting with someone you know and each see different things? How we experience an event or an object is more about each of us as individuals than it is the event or object itself. Suddenly the world becomes a mirror that reflects pieces of who we are. By being able to see this psychological mirror, and its reflection of ourselves, we can begin to choose whether to change what is reflected back! If I can choose what the world reflects back to me, the world has the potential to become a better place. With each person or event that causes a reaction, try asking yourself, “How is this a mirror for me?” –


Rubber Bands & Change

When it comes to change, we have a lot in common with rubber bands. Change can be difficult and uncomfortable. Too little and we do not grow or adapt, not living up to our potential or purpose. Too much change, especially too quickly, and we can break. Just like rubber bands, we are not meant to sit in our current state. We are intended to stretch and develop. So how to go about stretching into something new without snapping back? A shift in perception can add intention to how we approach growth and development. What do you need to do to continue to grow and develop at a rate that is both challenging and sustainable? –



A ‘multiplicity’ is a very large number, sometimes grouped together. We sometimes think of ourselves as one singular person when in fact our personality has many facets and dimensions, each with their own needs and wants. How do those facets conflict or complement each other in your life?



As we settle into routines and the day-in, day-out flow of life, we start to function like a machine. We just go through the motions as we are swept along in all of the things to do. To increase meaning and purpose in how we live, this mechanicalness has to be removed! What aspects of your life have crystallized into mechanical behavior?  If we don’t pay attention and create intention in our thoughts and actions we become like machines-like. Full living comes from the heart!